Japanese Cornel Dogwood (Cornus officinalis) in flower borders the south side of Lowry Hall. Red Maple (Acer ruburm 'Red Sunset') on the Lowry Mall.
Lowry Mall is an area bewteen Jesse Hall and the Memorial Union that contains many interesting plantings easily accessed from the large brick paved area. the Lowry Mall Tree Trail begins here and the Ellis Perennial Garden is on the southwest edge.
Cutleaf Beech (Fagus sylvatica ‘Laciniata’) in fall color.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) in full fall color.
Request a tour
In addition to the self-guided Tree Trail walks, Mizzou Botanic Garden offers general tours as well as a variety of tours that highlight some of the outstanding features of the garden.
Interested in touring the garden?
Fill out the tour request form HERE.