Friends of Mizzou Botanic Garden present Award-winning storyteller Bobby Norfolk as George Washington Carver Tuesday, Sept. 17 5:30 p.m., with reception following program N201BC Memorial Union The Friends of Mizzou Botanic Garden annual meeting and program will be held Tuesday, Sept. 17. The public is invited to join the Friends for a living history presentation by St. Louis Storyteller Bobby Norfolk as George Washington Carver. Norfolk’s performance will be followed by a short reception and light hors d'oeuvres. George Washington Carver, once popularly known as “The Peanut Man”, devised hundreds of uses for peanuts, soybeans and sweet potatoes. Much of his career was spent educating farmers on the benefits of crop rotation and sustainable farming, helping to revitalize the American South’s post civil War economy with a shy but inspiring presence touched many lives. Born into slavery in Diamond, Mo., Carver rose to national and international fame, meeting with presidents and world leaders. He is the first African-American to have a national monument dedicated to him. To bring Carver to life in his performance, Norfolk immersed himself in studying the scientist, educator and humanitarian’s books, watching videos listening to audiotapes featuring Carver. His research resulted in a “one-man play,” designed to enhance the audiences’ perception and interpretation of Carver. His performance will include songs from Carver’s time period, as well as poetry and spoken words. Norfolk’s career as a storyteller began in 1979. He has garnered three Emmy awards as the host of “Gator Tales” on CBS and earned an Emmy nomination for hosting the series “Children’s Theater at Bobby’s House.”