This garden is located on the west side of the Chancellor's Residence on Francis Quadrangle. Students and visitors now have an opportunity to sit among many of the flowers once found in Thomas Jefferson's garden at Monticello, which include Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis), Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens), Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica), Carolina Allspice (Calycanthusflorida) and Vitex (Vitex agnus). A bronze sculpture of Thomas Jefferson, as well as the original tombstone, a simple obelisk, which once sat next to Jefferson's grave, are also located in the garden.
Donor: Trustees of the Jefferson Club
Thomas Jefferson Monument
Request a tour
In addition to the self-guided Tree Trail walks, Mizzou Botanic Garden offers general tours as well as a variety of tours that highlight some of the outstanding features of the garden.
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Fill out the tour request form HERE.